Nursing Degree Course

Nursing is a three-year degree programme taught in Italian, qualifying students to work in hospitals, in clinics and in care homes. The degree programme is available in Rozzano, Bergamo, Castellanza and Catania. The program is divided into 6 semesters for a total of 180 university credits (CFU).
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At Humanitas University, the real protagonist is the student, who from the very first day is at the centre of the learning process, based on active teaching methods eliminating the boundary between theory and practice. Students can acquire both theoretical and practical competences thanks to the integration of teaching and learning activities with clinical practice training in Humanitas hospitals and affiliated structures.

The lectures are supplemented by interactive lectures held by hospital professionals, by labs and interpersonal skill workshops that allow respectively the development of advanced technical skills and soft skills.
The training activities are divided into theoretical, vocational and elective activities. There will be a final examination qualifying as professional nursesAttendance to all the theoretical and practical activities is compulsory. To be admitted to the final exams, the student must have attended at least 75% of the teaching provided for each course.

From the very first year, a network of educational and clinical tutors will support the students during their course of study helping them to develop technical and interpersonal skills directly within the clinical reality.

Guida per lo studente – Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica A.Y. 2023-2024

Academic Regulations of the Nursing Degree Programme A.Y. 2022/2023



President: Professor Ana Lleo De Nalda

Ana Lleo De Nalda

Full Professor Internal Medicine
View Profile

Humanitas is a highly specialized Hospital, Research and Teaching Center. Built around centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic disease – together with an Ophthalmic Center and a Fertility Center – Humanitas also operates a highly specialised Emergency Department.