Humanitas University welcomes and encourages applications from talented students from all over the world.
On this page, you will find the steps you need to follow in order to send your application and all the key information regarding the admission test.
Double your chances to get into MEDTEC School
Humanitas University offers two opportunities per year to take the MEDTEC School admission test.
Both test sessions for the 2023/2024 intake will be held online on the following dates:
- 1st test: 5th April 2024
- 2nd test: 19th April 2024
Students may decide to take the test in one or both sessions available.
For admission to the 2024/2025 academic year, the highest score obtained during the exam rounds taken in the calendar years 2023 and 2024 will be considered.
How to Apply
Registration to the HUMAT admission test takes place on the Humanitas University Registration Portal
1. Registration
The candidate must register to the web portal by entering his/her name, surname and e-mail address. After receiving the first e-mail of the Microsoft authentication process, it is necessary to click on “Accept invitation” and complete the registration by requesting the single-use access code. Candidates have to request a single-use access code for each access.
2. Application
After completing the registration to the portal, the candidate must log in, enter the required data in the “Personal Details” section, click on the menu item “Apply” and select the MEDTEC 2024 Admission Test.
3. Payment
The candidate selects the session in which to take the test and pays the registration fee of € 170.00 exclusively by credit card. Payment can only be completed within 15 minutes from the registration. Otherwise, the registration procedure must be repeated from the beginning.
For candidates who register by 27th March 2024 at 17:00 CET, payment generates automatic registration for both rounds in April 2024.
For candidates who took the test in the calendar year 2023, registration for the admission test costs €45, valid for taking a maximum of two rounds.
Registration for the first round must be completed no later than 27th March 2024, 17:00 CET, for the second round the deadline is 11th April 2024, 17:00 CEST, under penalty of exclusion from the admission test.
The application fee is non-refundable. The payment of the test fee alone does not constitute registration for the test: you must complete the entire procedure, including the step below.
4. Conclusion of the registration on the Politecnico Milano website
Having done the registration and paid the test fee, the test application must be completed on the Politecnico Milano website, where the candidate will be automatically redirected by clicking on “Click here to complete your MEDTEC registration“.
Italian citizens must log in on Politecnico di Milano’s website by using SPID or CIE. International candidates will only need to complete the registration on Politecnico di Milano’s website without using the SPID or CIE credentials.
For any further details on the authentication procedure, visit the following page
When completing the application, the candidate will receive a Personal Code and a Password to bring the test day to start the test.
Confirmation of registration: having completed the application, each candidate will receive a confirmation email.
Preparation of the computer station
In order to help candidates prepare their computer station and familiarise themselves with the system, from 15th March a demo session will be available on the Online Services portal of the Politecnico di Milano.
In this phase, the candidate can download the Safe Exam Browser application through a special link on the Online Services portal of the Politecnico di Milano.
Call for Applications
a.y. 2024/2025 and 2025/2026
Call for Applications a.y. 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 |
Call for applications EUCall for applications Non-EU |
Technical guide for the admission test
If you would like to check the Calls for Applications from previous academic years, please click the below button.
Admission Test
The online admission test consists of a multiple-choice test in English, lasting 100 minutes.
The test will include questions on mathematics, verbal logic, physics, chemistry, biology, and technical-scientific culture. The test is designed to capture the aptitude and propensity of candidates to study both hard science for Engineering and Life Sciences for Medicine.
Admission Requirements
Citizenship requirements
Candidates included in the EU category are those who:
- Hold the Italian citizenship or an EU citizenship;
- Hold a NON-EU citizenship and are permanently resident in Italy;
- Hold one of the following citizenships: Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and the Republic of San Marino;
- Hold a dual citizenship (both EU and NON-EU).
Candidates included in the NON-EU category are those who:
- Hold a NON-EU citizenship and are not permanently resident in Italy.
Following the Withdrawal Agreement concluded between the European Union and the United Kingdom, UK citizens are considered as Non-EU students and therefore must register in the NON-EU category.
Educational requirements
Candidates entitled to apply for the admissions test are those who:
- Hold a High School Diploma obtained after at least 12 years of education;
- Are attending the last year foreseen for the obtainment of a diploma which complies with the requirements listed on this page.
If the local School System provides for 11 or 10 years of schooling, the diploma fits the requirement only when integrated with 1 or 2 years of University.
Candidates holding a High School Diploma released in the UK must achieve 3 A Levels or a combination of 3 different A Levels and Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subjects. The A Levels or Pre-U Principal Subjects obtained must belong to the Scientific area.
Please find below the suitable subjects:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Global Perspectives and Research
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Thinking Skills
Candidates holding a Scottish High School Diploma must achieve at least 3 Advanced Highers or, alternatively, 2 Advanced Highers and at least 4 Highers.
Candidates with a High School Diploma released in the USA must achieve at least 3 US Advanced Placements (APs) in science-related subjects, with a score between 3 and 5.
Please find below the suitable subjects:
- Biology
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- Chemistry
- Computer Science A
- AP Computer Science Principles
- Environmental Science
- AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
- AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based
- AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism
- AP Physics C: Mechanics
- AP Psychology
- AP Research
- AP Statistics
Candidates who do not complete 3 APs are still entitled to apply if the High School Diploma is supplemented by one year of academic studies, either in the US or abroad. Please note that all courses of the extra year must be successfully completed.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma must be obtained after at least 12 years of education. If it is obtained after 11 years, it must be supplemented by 1 year of academic studies.
The IB Diploma must be issued by an educational institution recognised by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO).
The minimum requirements for the International Baccalaureate Diploma are as follows:
- To score at least 24 points in six chosen subjects, 12 of which must be obtained at Higher Level;
- To pass the 3 main subjects: Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Action, Service (CAS), Extended Essay (EE).
Candidates who hold a European Baccalaureate Diploma released by an accredited European School are entitled to apply for the admissions test – please check the accredited European Schools here.
Language requirements
All classroom activities at Humanitas Medical School are held in English. To fully understand and benefit from your degree course, a good level of English in all skills is required. It is, therefore, strongly recommended that applicants to Humanitas Medical School have reached an adequate level of English language competency: Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) B2. Click here for more info
Italian Language Recommendations
The University provides free Italian courses over the academic year to support international students. By the beginning of the third year, when clinical activities start, students are expected to have reached a good level of Italian to be able to interact with patients.
Additional Training Obligation (OFA)
The results of the admission test will be analyzed to verify the need to assign Additional Educational Obligations (OFA). This will be in relation to the level of average skills of the individual student classes in the so-called basic disciplines (biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics). Any OFAs assigned are considered to have been completed in taking the courses which are provided during the first two years of the degree. For the recovery of any OFA, training support initiatives will be organized to achieve an adequate degree of homogeneity of the class in relation to the training programs.
During enrolment, foreign students will be evaluated in the level of the Italian language. If the level of knowledge of the Italian written and spoken language is lower than a B2 level, the student is assigned additional OFAs to be done during the third year of the course. These additional OFAs are considered fulfilled with the passing of a test. For the recovery of Italian-speaking OFAs, appropriate courses and teaching materials are offered to students.