Stefano Aliberti
Full Professor
Respiratory diseases-
1.7.2021-to date: Full Professor of Respiratory Diseases Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Milan
1.9.2023-to date: Director, Fellowship Program in Respiratory Diseases, Department of Biomedical Sciences Humanitas University
1.4.2016-30.6.2021: Associate Professor of Respiratory Diseases, Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation University of Milan
1.10.2020-30.6.2021: Director of the Fellowship Program in Respiratory Diseases University of Milan
14.1.2019-30.6.2021: Contact person for the “Prevention of corruption and promotion of transparency” Unit, Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, University of Milan
1.4.2019-30.6.2021: Director of the “Molecular Biology and Respiratory Infections” Lab Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, University of Milan
1.8.2017-to date: Qualified for the functions of Full Professor in Respiratory Diseases, up to 1.8.2023
1.12.2010-31.3.2016: Assistant Professor, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan-Bicocca
1.9.2008-31.7.2009: Clinical Research Fellow (Assegno di ricerca presso Dipartimento Toracico-Polmonare e Cardio-Circolatorio) “Bronchiectasis in COPD patients: prevalence and bacterial colonization” Pulmonary-Cardio-Thoracic Department,University of Milan
1.1.2004: Research Fellowship, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, “Nebulized vs. aerolized salbutamol therapy during non-invasive
ventilation for patients with COPD exacerbation”
1.10.2003-1.11.2007: Respiratory Fellow (70/70 cum laude) University of Milan
31.10.2006-30.10.2007: Clinical Research Fellowship, Division of Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine Department, University of Louisville, KY, USA
4.8.2004-4.9.2004: Clinical Fellowship, Acute Respiratory Medicine Unit, St. James’s University Hospital, NHS trust, Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
2.10.2002-31.10.2002: Internship Trauma Surgery, Unfallchirurgie, Klinik und Poliklinik fur Chirurgie der Universitat Bonn, University Hospital, Bonn, Germany
August 2000: Internship, Medicine, Emergency Room and Surgery, Chaim Sheba Medical Center Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Hashomer, Tel-Aviv, Israel
1997-2003: Medical Doctor (110/110 cum laude), University of Milan
September 2010: European examination in Adult Respiratory Medicine 2010 (HERMES examination) Diploma, European Respiratory Society, Institute of Education, University of Berne, CH
December 2008: ALS: Advance Life Support Certificate, European Resuscitation Council, Italian Resuscitation Council
May 2008: Seminar in Medical writing for specialists in respiratory disease, Institute for Applied Language Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
07/11/2006-06/11/2007: CITI Biomedical certification, Human Subjects, Research Integrity Program, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
29.9.2005: BLS-D: Basic Life Support–Defibrillation Certificate, Milan
27.1.2004 to date: Full registration as medical practitioner at the Provincial Order of Medical
Doctors, Surgeons and Dentists of Milan (from 27.1.2004 to 09.6.2008; from 17.1.2017 to date), of Monza and Brianza from 10.6.2008 to
23.8.2004: “Full registration as medical practitioner”, GMC reference number 6103409 General Medical Council, UK