Giulia Soldà
Assistant Professor
Applied Biology-
Giulia Soldà obtained her MSc in Medical Biotechnology in 2001 (summa cum laude) and her PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology in 2005 at University of Milan. She was then awarded a two-year fellowship to work as visiting postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. (Nov. 2005- Dec. 2007). She became Assistant Professor of Applied Biology in 2008, first at the University of Milan (2008-2014), an then at Humanitas University (since Jan 2015). Over the years, she participated to international courses at the European Molecular Biology Organization in Heidelberg (2008), Lipari International School on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (2011), Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute/European Bioinformatics Laboratory (2014), allowing her to develop expertise in Next-Generation sequencing data analyses. She received awards from the Italian Telethon Foundation (2005), the Italian Biology and Genetics Association (AIBG, 2005), the Italian Association for Human Genetics (SIGU, 2008). She is the author of 31 papers indexed in Pubmed, with over 700 citations and a mean impact factor of 5. H-index: 11 (ISI Web of Science) – 12 (Scopus) -13 (Google Scholar).