Admissions test and ranking list

When are the admission tests for Humanitas University Degree programs?

In order to enrol on Humanitas University degree programs, you are required to take an admission test. Admission tests are held in the following periods:

Degree Program Admission Test
Medicine and Surgery February
MEDTEC School April
Nursing and Physiotherapy September
MSc in Nursing and Midwifery September

All dates, deadlines and the various admission requirements are specified in the calls for application, which are usually published on the University website in the following periods:

Degree Program Call for Applications
Medicine and Surgery October
MEDTEC School December
Nursing and Physiotherapy May
MSc in Nursing and Midwifery June

The periods listed above may be subject to change. For updates, check the website page “Apply” for each Degree Program or subscribe to the Newsletter.

Is a language certificate required for admission to the Medical School and MEDTEC degree programs?

No, Humanitas University does not require any language certificate to be admitted to the Degree Programs for the Medical and MEDTEC schools.

What does the terminology used in the ranking list mean?


your ranking position entitles you to enrol;

Not admitted

your present ranking position does not entitle you to enrol. However, the rolling ranking may change your status;


you have completed the online enrolment procedure and are waiting for the payment of the enrolment fee to be verified by the University offices;


you have been enrolled at Humanitas University;


you have been admitted but have not completed the enrolment procedure within the deadline;


the student has not reached the minimum score to be included in the ranking list.


How can I enrol and what documents are required for enrolment?

If you have passed the admission test, either directly or through the rolling ranking, you will receive an e-mail containing the details and deadlines for completing your enrolment from info@hunimed.eu. However, you are advised to monitor your position in the ranking list through the University website to avoid any problems.

During online enrolment on MyPortal, you are required to upload a passport photo and a copy of your Italian tax code, if available. you are also asked to confirm the details of your identity document and high school diploma, previously entered when registering for the entrance test.

If you hold a foreign qualification, you must submit the Dichiarazione di Valore (declaration of value), a document certifying the value of a qualification obtained in an educational system other than the Italian one. The Dichiarazione di Valore is drawn up in Italian and issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representations abroad (Embassies/Consulates) “competent by area”, i.e. the embassies or consulates closest to the city in which the institution that issued the foreign qualification is located.

Can I request prior credit recognition?

Humanitas University does not carry out prior credit recognition for the enrolment of new students.

If you are enrolled at Humanitas University, after passing one of the admission tests, you may request recognition of credits acquired during previous academic careers. At the beginning of each academic year, if you are enroled, the Student Office will notify you via the LMS platform when you can send the documentation required for credit recognition. The documentation relating to the recognition of exams, i.e. exam transcript certification and detailed programmes, must be sent to  creditrecognition@hunimed.eu.  After the deadline, the documentation is submitted to a commission made up of professors and tutors of the degree program. The Student Office will then notify you about the recognition status of you credits (total/ partial/ or non-recognition).

Recognition of credits does not affect the duration of the courses: six years for the Medical and MEDTEC Schools degree programs and three years for the degree programs in Nursing and Physiotherapy.

I am a foreign student. Can I enrol on Nursing and Physiotherapy courses?

If you are a foreign student wishing to enrol on the Nursing or Physiotherapy degree programs, you must hold a high school diploma or be in the last year of high school or hold another valid qualification obtained abroad. If the local school system provides for 10 or 11 years of schooling, the qualification is valid if integrated with 1 or 2 years of university attendance. Italian citizenship or EU citizenship is required to be admitted to the above-mentioned degree programs.

The degrees in Nursing and Physiotherapy are taught exclusively in Italian and a high level of language proficiency is therefore required.


How can I withdraw?

It is possible to withdraw from the University by filling out the relevant form downloadable from this website page. Once completed, please send the form to the e-mail address info@hunimed.eu. The Student Office finalises the withdrawal within 48 working hours from receiving the request.

In the case of a withdrawal, no service charges are applied by the University nor any outstanding and/or future fees will be requested.

Download the WITHDRAWAL FORM here:

Tuition fees

How is the income bracket calculated?

Humanitas University uses the ISEP (Index of Economic and Property Situation) as the income bracket calculation system. The ISEP is an internal model of the University which, based on the student’s family unit, is calculated as follows:

(for properties abroad, please provide either the house plan or its sale value)
(i.e. bank accounts, investments, funds,  investments in listed corporate enterprises)

This model is not to be confused with the ISEE certificate. The value of ISEE and ISEP may vary as their calculation formulas are different.

Why does MyPortal automatically put you in the fourth income category/bracket?

At the time of enrollment, MyPortal automatically puts you in the fourth income category/bracket. This is a predefined and provisional bracket, prior to calculating the ISEP value and therefore the corresponding income bracket.

When is the income bracket calculation made?

The calculation of the income category is made at the beginning of each academic year as indicated in article 4 of the University Fee Regulations.

ISEP handbook







How many and what types of scholarships are available? Are there other types of funding?

At the beginning of each academic year, a number of scholarships are granted by the University to cover all or part of the university fees required for enrolment in the degree programs. The grant amount, participation procedures and allocation criteria are listed in the appropriate Regulations published on the “Tuition Fees and Scholarships” page of each Course.

Italian students residing in Italy can also access the “per Merito” loan provided by Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, subject to specific merit requirements. Also in this case, more information can be found on “Tuition Fees and Scholarships” page of each Course.


How can I transfer?

Incoming transfer

You can transfer to the Degree program in Medicine and Surgery on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year, if you are already enrolled on the same Degree Program in another Italian or foreign University. If you are enrolled at a foreign university, it must be officially recognised by the competent authorities of the country in which it is established.

You can transfer to the Degrees Programs in Nursing and Physiotherapy if you are already enrolled on the same Degree Program in another Italian university.

If you wish to transfer to the Medical School Degree Program, or the Nursing and Physiotherapy degree programs after the first year, you can submit an application if places become available.  Admission to the above-mentioned programs is subject to selection through the University transfer procedure, as explained in the specific Call. The call for transfers is usually published in late spring (May-June) and it can be found in the “Transfers” section of each Degree Program.

Outgoing transfers

If you wish to transfer to another university, you are not required to renew your enrolment for the next academic year. On receiving acceptance from the receiving university, you must send Humanitas Student Office the transfer nulla osta or other proof of admission. On receiving the documents, Humanitas University will send its nulla osta to the receiving university and will then close the student’s career.


I am an off-campus student: where can I stay?

Humanitas University students can apply for accommodation in the Campus residences. For further information please submit an online request through the Camplus College website or contact the staff at the following addresses:

Email: humanitas.college@camplus.it
Phone number: +39 02 82247100

Medicina preventiva

What is the Preventive  Medicine service and what is it for?

According to Humanitas University study plan, all students attending clinical training placements must follow the Preventive Medicine requirements in order to have access to the various hospital departments.

Preventive Medicine requirements are:

  • a visit with the preventive medicine doctor;
  • blood tests, ECG, mantoux.

At the end of the process, students can obtain the so-called “giudizio d’idoneità” (fit to work certificate), without which it is not possible to attend the clinical training placements.

Certificate requests

How can I request a certificate?

The Student Office provides students with enrolment certificates, enrolment certificates with fees for tax deduction purposes, enrolment certificates with exam transcripts and degree certificates.

You can download the above certificates, by following these simple steps:

  1. enter the MyPORTAL portal
  2. click on Student Secretariat, Certificates and download the documents

No service charges are applied for issuing certificates.

You can request a certificate by writing to documents@hunimed.eu. The Student Office will then send you the certificate by email.

Student email

I can no longer access my student e-mail address. How can I solve this problem?

If you have problems accessing your @st.hunimed.eu mailbox, please contact the University Information Technology Office by writing from another mailbox to support@st.hunimed.eu.

Student Office

What are the opening hours of the Student Office?

The Student Office is open on:

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm;
  • Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

Visit the Campus

Is it possible to book a guided Campus tour?

Yes. It is possible to book a guided Campus tour by clicking on the below button. For any further information, please refer to the following page 



Humanitas is a highly specialized Hospital, Research and Teaching Center. Built around centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic disease – together with an Ophthalmic Center and a Fertility Center – Humanitas also operates a highly specialised Emergency Department.